Silhouettes of professional businesspeople

August 5, 2022

It's the People I Miss the Most!

Last week marked the 13th anniversary of acquiring Pacific Union. The real estate markets were not vibrant in August 2009. In fact, they were quite stressful.

Our journey was indeed vibrant. The greatest part of our journey was our people. We rallied around three core values: teamwork, trust, and innovation. Three very powerful values, especially when executed together. They have serious interdependencies. Try teamwork without trust, or innovation without teamwork.

We had a few operating principles as well:

  • Always do the right thing, even when no one is looking.
  • Turn good ideas into great ideas and execute with precision.
  • Make decisions as close to the client as possible.
  • If you quit, you also must leave – no onboard terrorists!

Pacific Union original logo

August 2009
$2 billion in sales volume.
400 people.
17 offices.

Pacific Union final logo

September 2018
$14 billion in sales volume.
2,000 people.
50 offices.

So many people contributed in so many ways – too many to thank for sure.

Our major guiding light was “Get the people right or nothing else matters.” It’s the people I miss the most!

If you would like to learn from our success or our mistakes, please give me a call.

This is Where We Are Now.



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