Caitlin Clark

May 14, 2024

3Rs – Results, Rules and Records

Compass Leadership Team

Ten months ago today I rejoined Compass as Chief Real Estate Strategist. This has been the most invigorating and inspiring 10 months of my professional career. I’ve had scarier times (2009 to 2011) and more gratifying times (2015 to 2018), but this engagement is different.

The accomplishments of the leadership team at Compass over the past 10 years is exemplary. From a start-up to the No. 1 company in the country by sales volume in 10 years is nothing short of amazing. The reorganization of Compass from the intense high-growth years to the “deliver operating results” in our current state takes a rigorous conviction, discipline, and most of all confidence.

I have experienced the change and the results – impressive is an understatement. Q1 2024 results are publicly available. Snapshot below.

Compass Revenue Graphs

Compass’ Q1 2024 results outperformed the market and outperformed the industry. This is a function of Robert’s leadership and the team’s focus and execution. Experiencing this continued vision, focus, and discipline is remarkable.

Our only constant in life and business seems to be change. Our industry is experiencing significant change, once again. The rules of our industry are changing to protect the consumer. As I mentioned in my March 18, 2024 blog post:

“[This change] represent[s] an exceptional opportunity for the good to become great. This includes real estate professionals and brokerage firms. Those, individuals and/or companies, that focus on perfecting the expression of their value proposition will gain market share."

We are not alone in an industry that experiences change. I tend to reflect on sports, teams, and competition in my approach to business. Rules in organized athletics change constantly. The players study the rule changes, practice the behaviors and motions that are impacted, and repeat the motions constantly to adapt, perfect, and thrive.

We are no different in our industry. Study the rules, adapt your behavior, practice the motions, perfect your skills, and thrive.

It’s possible that lack of studying the new NFL rules contributed to the San Francisco 49ers overtime loss in the 2024 Super Bowl.

How many times do you think the rules changed on Caitlin Clark in her basketball career? The 3-point line, the shot clock, etc. She understood the rules, practiced the motions, perfected her game, and thrives!

Caitlin Clark shooting

Caitlin Clark is the leading scorer in NCAA basketball history! No qualifying statements required.

How are you practicing and perfecting your game?

Feel free to call me with questions.

This is Where We Are Now!



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